Thirty, Flirty and Thriving

Well not quite flirty but I just turned thirty and it's going to be a great year because I have a list of 30 awesome things to accomplish. Throughout the year I will be updating this blog as I accomplish each item on my list.

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

21. Change something about My Appearance

When I set this goal, I was thinking of doing something along the lines of a new pair of glasses or a different hairstyle. However, I kept going back to something I had been thinking about doing for a few years. I had this gap between my two front teeth that I felt was pretty large for a gap. Actually, it measured in at 3 mm. It’s not something I felt overly self conscious about but it’s not something I liked. I also didn't really like people pointing it out; yeah I know it’s there.

In Elementary school and throughout high school many of my peers and teachers would try and come up with ways to tell me and my twin sister apart. Several of them used this: Double-Name-Double-Space and Melissa-Mole. Melissa has a mole (or Beauty Mark) above her lip. 

Another story that comes to mind is one time a few years ago I was on a bus and this guy sat next to me and started talking to me. He told me that he was blind which seemed apparent as he had a white cane and was wearing dark sunglasses. Part way through the conversation he made some remark about the gap between my teeth. I am not exactly sure what he said because I was confused about how he could tell if he was blind.

I started looking into Invisalign (clear braces) a few years ago but did not go through with it because of the cost. I recently started thinking about it again and in the New Year I brought the idea up to my parents who supported me in the decision. I decided that if I didn't go through with it now, I most likely never would. 

On February 27, at the halfway point of being 30 and halfway through my list, I got my first set of aligners.

It took some getting used to and at times can be inconvenient or uncomfortable but so far I am happy with the results. I am now halfway through the aligning process! My teeth were already pretty straight so the treatment time is quicker than it is for most people. In 3 weeks I will be done with aligners for the bottom teeth and at the end of October I should be done with the top teeth and the gap will be closed for good! 

Before Photo's:

Halfway Point Photos:

At The End:                                                                                                          

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