Thirty, Flirty and Thriving

Well not quite flirty but I just turned thirty and it's going to be a great year because I have a list of 30 awesome things to accomplish. Throughout the year I will be updating this blog as I accomplish each item on my list.

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Sariah tells me that it's time to get married

I just got off the phone with my 6 year old niece that included the following conversation:

Sariah: "How old are you?"

Me: "How old do you think I am?"

Sariah:"Are you 30? .... Mommy is 30 so I think that means you are too."

Me: "Well we are twins"

Sariah: "Yes, so that means your 30 too."

Me: "Yes, I am"

Sariah: "You need to get married then. Mommy got married a long time ago".

I laughed and then we talked for about an hour about other things including Christmas, their upcoming road trip to Alabama, school and her siblings. Then she goes back to the above topic and says (while giggling):

"I know what you can do, find someone at church and just kiss him."

hahaha ... thanks for the advice Sariah.


  1. Ha Ha Ha!!!!! I totally missed that conversation. I'm trying to teach her to be polite, really. Yes SJ, just find someone at church and kiss him!

  2. haha. I talked to her longer than I talked to you that evening. She is quite the conversationalist.
