Thirty, Flirty and Thriving

Well not quite flirty but I just turned thirty and it's going to be a great year because I have a list of 30 awesome things to accomplish. Throughout the year I will be updating this blog as I accomplish each item on my list.

Saturday, July 20, 2013

23. Plant Something

 I had some time on the afternoon of Canada Day so I pulled out a flower pot, soil and seeds I had and planted some Cosmo flower seeds. I love watching them grow a bit more everyday and looking forward to some pretty flowers. However, what I really wanted was to plant a garden.

The following Saturday I bought some flowers and gardening tools and spent the afternoon and evening digging up the grass and planting some pretty flowers. I planted Primroses (which will probably start blooming next year), Petunias and Dusty Millers. I call it my Family History garden because Primrose is my Mom's name, her grandmother’s maiden name and the Family line I have gathered the most information on. The soil I used was Schultz brand, which was the last name of my paternal grandmother.
I am not quite finished with what I want to do but I think it looks pretty so far. I have to say that a bonus of gardening is that it is good exercise, my bottom hurt so much the next day. Hahaha.

Some may ask why I would spend so much time planting a garden if I am only renting so this may be a good time to announce that I bought the house! Well, actually my Dad and I bought the house. A couple of months ago I learned that the house I am living in was in foreclosure and when I was telling my dad about the situation I was in, he said that he thought buying the house would be a good investment for us to go into together and it went from there. Now I am officially a home owner and planting a garden was the first thing I did to make it my own.

August 26 Update: The same day I planted my garden, I also planted two sweet yellow pepper plants. However, they looked like they were dying and I didn't think any peppers would grow. This is what they look like today ... the peppers are growing!

Thursday, July 4, 2013

22. Have a Picnic

I love having picnics, sitting on a blanket outside while enjoying good food and company. I have planned a few picnics throughout the year but each time it either rained or something else came up to ruin the plans. I planned one for today with my co-workers and although the skies seemed to be threatening rain, it didn't and we were able to enjoy a nice picnic in pleasant weather.

I work for a Head Start program (Pre-School) and I feel that having the picnic today was a great way to end for two of  our teachers who were working their last day for our program. It was also a good way to start off the summer for those of us working throughout the summer and it was great to have some staff who are already off for the summer join us.

As expected from pot-lucks where I work, everyone bought delicious salads, appetizers, desserts, etc. to share. Thank You Co-workers for joining in on the picnic!